Ruby Growl Notifications in Windows
17. July 2009
I previously posted an update that enables Growl notifications for Autotest in Windows.
Which is nice, but what about other Ruby programs, they might want to send Growl notifications too. To this end Vision Media have produced a Ruby Growl gem which makes it easy for any Ruby program to send Growl notifications.
But the visionmedia-growl gem only works on OSX.
Now With Added Windows Support
So I had a go at adding Windows support. The short version is that it works, but the code is seriously ugly and not well tested (you have been warned!).
Check out my visionmedia-growl fork. Or just install the gem:
sudo gem install karl-growl --source
Packaging growlnotify
First up I decided to package both the OSX and Windows versions of growlnotify
with the gem.
This is a departure from the existing gem, which requires that you have installed growlnotify
yourself. I wanted to be able to include this gem in new projects without having to bother users to download extra dependencies.
Choose the Right growlnotify
I decide which growlnotify to use by checking which platform we are running on:
def self.is_windows?
processor, platform, *rest = RUBY_PLATFORM.split("-")
platform == 'mswin32'
# Execute +args+ against the binary.
def self.exec *args
bin += '.com' if is_windows?
Kernel.system bin, *args
Different Switches on Different Operating Systems
The biggest headache with adding Windows support was adding the ability to generate Windows style command line arguments.
Example OSX command line:
growlnotify --message llamas --title Llama! --image images/llama.png
Example Windows command line: llamas /t:Llama! /i:images/llama.png
Note that in the Windows command line, switches are specified with /_x_:
prefix, and no space. The names of the switches don’t correspont exactly with the OSX ones.
Also, with the Windows version of growlnotify
you don’t give an switch for the message body, just include it as the first argument.
Adding Support for Windows Style Switches
The first part of adding this support was to map the OSX switches to their Windows counterparts (where they existed).
switch :title, :t
switch :sticky, :s
switch :priority, :p
switch :host, :host
switch :password, :pass
switch :port, :port
switch :name, :a
switch :message, :EMPTY
switch :image, :i
switch :identifier, :id
switch :iconpath, nil
switch :appIcon, nil
switch :icon, nil
switch :udp, nil
switch :auth, :hash
switch :crypt, nil
As you can see, not all OSX switches are available in the Windows version of growlnotify
. I dealt with this at the moment, by just stripping out any switches that won’t work in Windows.
Finally I altered (hacked?) the Growl run
method, to produce parameter strings for either OSX or Windows.
def run
raise Error, 'message required' unless message
self.class.switches.each do |name, win_name|
if send(:"#{name}?")
value = send(name).to_s if send(name) && !(TrueClass === send(name))
if is_windows?
next if win_name.nil?
switch = (win_name == :EMPTY) ? "" : "/#{win_name}:"
args << switch + value
args << "--#{name}"
args << value
Growl.exec *args
The main points of interest here are the The windows switches don’t have any space between the switch name and the value. So instead they are concatenated together into a single string.
Finally we deal with the special case where using the Windows version of growlnotify
we need to add the message parameter without a switch, so we use the special token :EMPTY
to deal with this.
The Result
The results of this is a Ruby gem that supports Growl notifications in Windows. The gem can be installed with the following commands:
sudo gem install karl-growl --source
And used in your Ruby program as follows:
Growl.notify {
self.message = 'Hello World'
self.image = File.join 'path', 'to', 'image.png'
For more usage examples see the karl-growl site.
Known Issues
There are a few known issues. The biggest of which no support for normalised icons.
To support OSX and Windows always give a path to an image, e.g.
:image => 'path/to/image.png'
There are a number of switches that only work in OSX, and are ignored in Windows. Unsupported switches are:
The gem has only received the most cursory of testing, so there may be a whole host of other issues, be warned!
The Future
I’m treating the current version of this gem, as a design spike, a proof of concept that shows we can have cross Operating System support. The code is a real mess, and has no unit tests, but I’m releasing it here to follow the ‘better now beats best later’ rule.
I hope to refactor the code into something more production worthy when I get a chance.